A place to relax, rest and to appreciate beauty

Time is a great sculptor. Perhaps the best there is.

Margueritte Yourcenar wrote these words in her essays on beauty, memory and literature. Seneca also reminds us: there is no other time than the present because it sculpts everything. The garden of Can Prunera is a space to rest and enjoy calm and serenity.

Sculptures by Jaume Mir, Llorenç Rosselló, Enrique Broglia, José Seguiri, Juan Martínez Lax and José Luis Sánchez give meaning to this way of life. A sculpture, in its stillness, stops the chaos, the rush and the noise and invites us to sit down, to feel the moment and abandon ourselves to a dolce far niente, surrounded as we are by mountains, trees, birds and  the sound of water.

You can enjoy this space as a customer of the cafeteria, even if you do not have general admission or a guided tour.