Fundació Tren de l’Art

HISTORY of the Foundation

The restoration of Can Prunera has been possible thanks to the collaboration between Ferrocarril de Sóller and the Art Serra Foundation. In 2006, Javier Mayol Mundó, then president of the Railway, and Pedro A. Serra Bauzà, president of the Fundación Art Serra, signed an agreement creating the Tren del Arte Foundation, with the aim of contributing to greater cultural and artistic enrichment of the Sóller Valley. Subsequently, the Sóller City Council, the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Consell de Mallorca, and Palma City Council joined this project. Thus, in Sóller, the Miró and Picasso galleries were opened (train station) and the Sculpture Park was inaugurated on the seafront, at the end of the tram line that connects Sóller with the Port. Likewise, the “50 Landscapes of Mallorca” gallery opened at Palma station. That same year, the Can Prunera house was acquired to house a cultural center.

After nearly three years of restoration and adaptation work, the Can Prunera Modernist Museum opened on August 24, 2009. Since its creation, the institution has organized a large number of exhibitions that have made Sóller an important center for artistic creation.

Board of Trustees of the Foundation

Carmen Serra Magraner

Oscar Mayol Mundó

Vicente Sastre Cardell

Amador Pastor Reynés
Antonio Pons Puig
Juan Fierro March
Ana Mª Pastor Castañer
Miguel Serra Magraner
Ajuntament de Palma
Ajuntament de Sóller (Miguel Nadal Vaquer)
Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca
Consell Insular de Mallorca
Conseller de Turisme, Cultura i Esports, Jaume Bauzá Mayol

Miguel Á. Sainz