Can Prunera is a place where everything that makes us truly human converges. Everyone is welcome here: from 0 to 99 years old. Can Prunera is a meeting place, an open and welcoming space that enables the exchange of experiences, experiences, and knowledge. Learning to live is one of our maxims, and our educational project is rooted in four fundamental pillars: art, creativity, play, and thought. Following the experiential schools of Rodari, Esquirol, Meirieu, and Dewey, Art and Play are students of this school; they go hand in hand, inviting us to create and think in a privileged, unique, and organic environment. Painting, sculpture, architecture, and poetry nourish every corner of the modernist house with their distinctive light. To educate is to make life habitable, and it is here that Can Prunera stands as a warm home for learning.
Can Prunera’s educational and pedagogical project places special emphasis on childhood, on children and their relationship with the world they discover daily. It is in childhood that wonder permeates everything, where imagination thrives and tends to expand if given the right tools. Through play, we learn and laugh, we share and create, we converse and respect others. Values such as kindness, empathy, compassion, caring, and respect can be learned through playing, observing, and creating in community. As Nietzsche wrote, there is nothing more serious than a child at play, and we advocate for this.
Inside this home and in its sculpture garden live Picasso, Miró, Juli Ramis, Andreu Maimó, Jaume Mir, Miquel Barceló and many Great Masters of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, who decorate the rooms of a building that was built in 1911. During these visits, we will delight in the art of painting, but we will also exercise our gaze, consciously walking through its wide corridors, halls and bedrooms, all of them decorated with a modernist exquisiteness and delicacy from which we can always learn.